We see tons of different people come in and out of the store each day, from rappers to grandma's.

With WOEI CLIENTELE we publish a weekly highlight of the people we think offer a unique look.




For the 24th edition of WOEI CLIENTELE we are highlighting Natsuki.




Natsuki is 25 years old and works as the Senior Editor at Sabukaru Online.

Currently, his favorite sneaker brand is ROA Hiking, but his all-time favorite is Adidas.


On Feet: Asics x Reigning Champ Gel Cumulus

Bandana: GEEK OUT Store Heat-Reactive Bandana

Shirt: Electric Cottage Short Sleeve

Pants: Vintage Military Cargos






Check out Natsuki's Top 3 sneaker picks in his Kickin' the Door interview!


The previous WOEI: CLIENTELE with Arie Duh Chauffeur!